
Developed in 2011 by Dr. Jeb McAviney (chiropractor), KyphoBrace was invented to create a better conservative way to treat patients with kyphosis successfully. KyphoBrace is a truly custom 3D kyphosis brace used to treat kyphosis in children, adolescents, and adults. Using a specific design algorithm coupled with a patient-centered approach to bracing treatment, KyphoBrace has become the pre-eminent bracing system worldwide, helping thousands of patients living with kyphosis.

Benefits of KyphoBrace

Each KyphoBrace is custom-designed and made for the patient with the latest 3D scanning technology and computer-aided design and manufacture (CAD-CAM), using a specific design algorithm and a patient-centered approach to bracing treatment. Kyphosis patients may receive the following benefits from KyphoBrace:

  • Slow or stop progression
  • Reduce kyphotic curve
  • Improve body appearance and cosmetics through postural correction
  • Reduce pain and minimize discomfort
  • Promote muscle memory for improved posture
  • Reduce the need for surgery
  • Patient Friendly

How KyphoBrace Works

Rather than using a traditional mindset of trying to immobilize the spine through a brace, the KyphoBrace approach genuinely attempts to individualize the correction and achieve an improved spine and body posture alignment in the brace.

The brace’s over-corrective approach harnesses spinal coupling, not 3-point pressure, to create a better position of the three-dimensional posture of the body. In this position, the brace then retrains the neurological connection between the brain, joints, and muscles to control the body posture so that the body adapts to a ‘new normal,’ ideally a straighter spine position.

As KyphoBrace is designed to allow for this retraining, it can be used in cases outside of the traditional recommendation of adolescents during the rapid growth spurt, including infant, juvenile, adolescent, and adult cases.

Don't continue to live with Kyphosis! Get started actively correcting the curvature of your spine with KyphoBrace at Waterfront Chiropractic in New York today.

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Avoid Surgery, Overcome With Custom Bracing!

Dr. Stacy Aslan, DC is a certified ScoliBrace and KyphoBrace provider.
ScoliBrace and KyphoBrace address spinal curvature with custom 3d bracing.
Call Today To Begin Your Journey To a Healthier spine!

(631) 735-5050

Be Our Next Kyphosis Success Story!

KyphoBrace results
KyphoBrace before and after
Before and after KyphoBrace

*Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person.


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Enjoy life without the strife accompanied by scoliosis.
At Waterfront Chiropractic in New York, we focus on correcting dysfunction
within the spine to improve scoliosis so patients may live a better quality of life.

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